Young Pioneer Tours

Visiting Wallis and Futuna in 2025

Lets be honest visiting every country in the world has now became old hat, particularly if you are doing the 193 + 2. For real adventurers it is about getting off of the beaten track, with the islands of Wallis and Futuna being the very epitome of this.

And why do we think this? Because while countries are cool to collect, getting to the most remote places on earth takes hard work, time and usually a lot of money.

What the Wallis and Fortuna?

Aside from Tahiti and French Polynesia, Wallis and Fontana is one of the few French possessions, former and present in the area.Excluding of course the New Hebrides/Vanuatu, which they shared with the UK.

Located between Tuvalu, Fiji and Tonga Wallis and Futuna have a population of just 11,000 people, less even than Nauru.

The capital city is Mata Utu and it is a French Collectivity of – you guessed it France. During World War Two the Free French beat the Vichy French, making it one of the few non-Nazi French realms of the time.

Can you visit Wallis and Futuna?

The capital of Mata Utu does have an airport of sorts, namely Hihifo Airport. From here it services routes to Fotuna, Fiji and New Caledonia – thus making it so very much off of the beaten track.

Aside rom these scheduled flights, there are 7 cargo ships that come through the islands, as well as charter planes, which is our own method of choice.

Currently we have a charter trip planned that will not only take in Wallis and Fotuna, but also American Samoa and Niue. Alas not Tokelau yet, but we are working on it.

And what is there to do on Wallis and Futuna?

Quite honestly there is not all that much to do here, but in essence that is part of the beauty to the place. This is a true tropical relaxed paradise of the ilk of Tuvalu, rather than Nauru and this reflected in the attitudes of the people.

Aside from that the area has been Catholic and inhabited by Europeans for almost two centuries, which means there is at least some old church buildings and the like to look at.

The real joy though is a few drinks, seafood and watching sunsets whilst chilling in paradise.

If you would like to see Wallis and Futuna with Young Pioneer Tours then keep an eye on our Worldwide Adventures, where we will be adding our “Paradise Found” tour.

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