While still technically at war and while definitely feeling the pinch of sanctions Syria is now at relative peace and very much open for tourism. Here’s why you should visit Syria in 2025!
Why 23 reasons to visit Syria? Well it’s 2025 and while there are many more than 23 reasons to visit this wonderful country, by doing this we get to write a 23rd reason to visit Syria next year (and so on).
So in no particular order, here are our 23 reasons you should visit Syria in 2025!
Syrians are (mostly) ecstatic with the overthrow of Assad

While of course, there are still a minority amount of government supporters and small pockets of extremist groups, the majority of Syrians are celebrating the fall of Assad by taking to the streets, partying, chanting and enjoying their life with more freedom than ever before. Be there as former exiled Syrians return home for the first time in over a decade!
Old Damascus is a great place to party!
When ISIS were knocking at the door of Damascus the people simply continued to party. It is amazing how resilient Syrians truly are. Damascus has great food, great drinks and wonderful people to hang out with. Click to read about the best bar in Damascus.
Syrian food is amazing

Another reason you really should visit Syria is the rich and flavoursome foods. Forget Iran and Iraq, Syria won’t get boring and everyday is different. Of course you will eat kebabs too, but they have a bunch of other ides including all meats and enough salads and the like to keep vegetarians and vegans happy. To read about street food in Aleppo click here.
Syria is literally a cradle of civilization
Syria is a truly ancient country and has been involved in everything from ancient times right up until the current, but at least almost over brutal civil war. Churches, mosques colosseums, citadels, you name it they’ve got.
Here’s a great reason to visit Syria in 2024, Palmyra. Sadly mostly destroyed by ISIS, but the drive is worth it. Truly an amazing place to visit, but also equally heartbreaking as to how much has truly been lost in this area.

Traveling to Aleppo
If you’re traveling to Syria you need to travel to Aleppo. Formerly one of the richest places in the region and host to the most prestigious souk in the region. Now much of the city lies in ruins, with as my Syrian partner putting it “This is the price of democracy”. Again great food and a pretty cool citadel. Oh and you can visit a hotel that Lawrence of Arabia stayed at.

Visit Syria for the drinks
And no I don’t just mean alcohol, although that is also part of it. Lots of strange teas, juices, local beers and arak. You’ve not been here unless you’ve had arak. To read about the best drinks in Syria click here.
Visit Syria for the people!
I know everyone literally says this about every country, but Syrians truly are some of the most welcoming people on earth. Expect to get invited into houses to make great friends and enjoy tea, or arak over great conversation.

Visit Syria for the multiculturalism
OK, so this is kind of part of the general people and culture thing, but it is truly great to see and enjoy a genuine multicultural country with people going about their faith without hassle. Seeing all this working together and just breatheng in the culture is truly an amazing thing.
Visit Syria supports the locals
Sanctions usually effect people rather than governments. Syrians are now earning on average $30 USD a month. As Syria is rebuilding, your money can be well spent at local businesses and can help refuel confidence in the Syrian economy.

To read about if it is ethical to visit Syria click here
They have a Kim Il-Sung park
OK, so a very YPT geek thing to add, but it makes the list regardless and we do not apologise.
To read about things named after Kim Il-Sung click here

Syria has great Shawarma
OK, so it fits in with food, but this gets an extra entry just because I am English. OK, so burger sauce, but not once did I tire of a Syrian shawarma. Oh and falafel too, but I feel giving that its own entry would be lazy.
Visit Syria and Bosra
Visit one of Syrias best kept secrets – the Bosra amphitheater – which is one of the best well kept Roman ruins in the world. Also, before the war Julio Iglesias even played there!

Visit Syria to hear the Lords Prayer in Aramaic
Whether you are religious, a Christian, or merely interested in history there is something really special about hearing the Lords Prayer in Aramaic (the language of Jesus) by people who speak it as their mother tongue in a church built out in a cave.
You get to see Beirut
Most tours to Syria go via Beirut, which is also super super cool, so add on a few more days and see the city for yourself. Better still do it on our Lebanon tour.

Visit the best bar in Damascus
Barbershop Damascus, not just the best bar I have been to in Syria, but in my top ten in the world. I do not take “best bar” titles lightly let me tell you. You can read about Barbershop here.
Say a big screw you to terrorism and Assad
ISIS very nearly took over both Iraq and Syria, by visiting you are not only saying no extremism and authoritarian regimes, but you are saying a big yes to secularism. And believe me the people appreciate it.

Visit Syria for the soap
Yes you read that right. Aleppo soap is the oldest continuously running brand in the world at 800 years, bar a few it missed due to ISIS. Go to Aleppo and see it made, as well as grab some souvenirs.
Visit the Baron Hotel

Kings, queens, princes and even Lawrence of Arabia have stayed here. Agatha Christie wrote Murder on the Orient Express here and to top it all off the manager is what one might call a character.
To read about the Baron Hotel click here.
Visit Syria and buy a football shirt
OK, so perhaps this is a bit a frivolous reason to visit Syria, but reason it is none the less. I collect football shirts and Syria have a nice little red number. You can also watch a live game if you come with YPT.
Visit Syria and hear THEIR side of the story
Probably the most important reason to visit Syria, or indeed any country that is in any way vilified by the west is to go and hear their story. Syria frankly is no different. You will meet Syrians tortured by ISIS or Al Nusra, or even the government. Many people have lost loved ones, or were part of the liberation fight. You will meet people that absolutely do not like Assad – and are no longer afraid to talk about it. Essentially you never know a story properly until you go and see and hear it for yourself.
You can combine it with Lebanon
To get to Syria you pretty much have to go through Lebanon and that in itself is a treat. Combined these two countries probably have the best food, drink and people in the Middle-East.
Come before the crowds
Before the war Syria was a Mecca for tourism going right back to French colonial times. In fact if this was anywhere else in the world it would be jam packed with tourists. Nothing stays the same forever and Syria is no different. Now is the time to Visit Syria (before anyone else). As Assad has fallen and the country is embracing the idea of tourism returning, get in first and take part in the celebrations!
So, if you want to visit Syria and see it for yourself then why not join one of our Syria Tours