We are happy to announce that Turkmenistan will reopen to tourism from March 6th 2023 and thus we will be resuming tours. This though is still early news and we are still finalizing exact details.
Amongst many of the exciting developments, this stands out because now we can bring you what you want and deserve. That is right; we can finally link up the rest of the Stans and take you on a journey across the main points of trade on the Silk Road and delve into the history of this long-awaited mirage that is almost too good to be true.

What are the Parameters for Visiting Turkmenistan?
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will let us know as soon as possible, and of course, once they do, we will let you know. Like always, Young Pioneer tours will bring you the most up-to-date, best possible information, so keep an eye on our socials. We will always continue to be your trusted source of information.
When will we restart our Turkmenistan Tours?
The most famous question of all – soon, very soon. Like you, the moment the country shut down, it made us appreciate this hidden treasure more and long to visit. In response, we have spent the last few years devising our plans, ensuring that we are ready to bring it back bigger and better than ever when the time comes. It has been a mammoth effort but worth every ounce of and more.
We hope you’re ready for an adventure that will leave you stunned and impressed; you might think you’ve left civilizations behind in a place that contributed to the linkage of continents and oceans.
So stay tuned and keep an eye out for some of our biggest announcement post covid.
Hint hint…. It is closer than you think. Follow our Facebook and Instagram for more!