Young Pioneer Tours


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Lebanon Spring Tour

While often just a pit-stop for our pioneers traveling to Syria, Lebanon has a unique history that not only stretches back thousands of years but also remains hugely relevant in the contemporary world. Lebanon has not been without its troubles in recent decades, suffering from a 15-year-long civil war, occupation by Israel and the controversy […]

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Ultimate Lebanon Tour

While often just a pit-stop for our pioneers traveling to Syria, Lebanon has a unique history that while stretching back thousands of years is still just as important in the contemporary world. Thus, we present the Ultimate Lebanon Tour! Lebanon has not been without its troubles in recent years, having a civil war, occupation by […]

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Syria September Tour

As soon as it became possible in 2018 for tourism to resume after years of civil war, Young Pioneer Tours were the first to take you there. Now that life is returning to relative normal again and travel is back on the cards, we’re excited to continue taking you to Syria, a country that we […]

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Mauritania Iron Ore Train Tour – January 2025

After years of experience, we have designed our Mauritania Iron Ore Train tour to become the most thrilling and affordable tour to take place in this unique part of the world. Your grand adventure begins in Mauritania where you’ll have the opportunity to explore Nouakchott, the capital city. Once arriving we’ll make our way and […]

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Dark Cambodia Tour

Covid has been rough on us all, including a bunch of those here at YPT who’ve been forced to relocate from our cozy office in China. But you know what they say, when life gives you lemons, make the best-damn-dark-tourism-itinerary-you-can-find-ade. With many long months under our belt staying here, we’ve forged the contacts, we’ve gone […]

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Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Burkina Faso Combo Tour

This is the big one. You could call it our Ultimate Africa tour, traveling through four of the most fascinating and diverse countries in north and west Africa for nearly a whole month! From Africa’s largest country of Algeria to riding in an open-topped train through the Sahara desert in Mauritania. Then from the local […]

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Mali Tour

We begin in the capital of Mali, Bamako, where you might immediately notice how few foreigners there are. Yes indeed, this is a country the mainstream tourism market has steered clear of, which only makes us more excited to explore! We’ll soon be heading to Segoukoro, former capital of the Bambara Kingdom, where we’ll meet […]

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Burkina Faso Tour

For us at YPT, Burkina Faso has to be one of our favourite countries to visit in Africa. Home of Thomas Sankara, pan-African revolutionary, home of stunning scenery and striking incredible culture, not to mention home to a whole lot of wonderful people! Those joining us from our Mali tour will return to Bamako via […]

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Syria Spring Tour

As soon as it became possible in 2018 for tourism to resume after years of civil war, Young Pioneer Tours were the first to take you there. Now that life is returning to relative normal again and travel is back on the cards, we’re excited to continue taking you to Syria, a country that we […]

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Iraqi Kurdistan New Year Tour

Join YPT on a truly unique New Year celebration in Iraqi Kurdistan, a prospective new nation protected by the Peshmerga which were at the forefront of the fight with ISIS. Despite its significance and proximity to probably the tensest area in the world, Kurdistan offers not only safety but beautiful scenery, famed in Middle Eastern […]

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