Young Pioneer Tours


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Grand Afghanistan Tour

Join us on our Grand Afghanistan Tour – a land locked region which is regarded as the “crossroads of Asia” and more fondly known as the “heart of Asia”, but to its adversaries as the “graveyard of empires”. With the fairly recent events of the Taliban seizing control of Afghanistan after the withdrawal of the […]

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Southern Pakistan: Karachi to Lahore

Once a major and popular destination during the golden era of the Hippie trail – Pakistan is now relatively untouched and faces difficulties with negative worldwide media attention. Pakistan is full of UNESCO world heritage sites with mystic forts and ancient civilizations packed full of history, amazing nature and culture with some of the best […]

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Solomon Islands, Bougainville & New Britain Adventure

Become one of the very first tourists ever to cross the international border between the Solomon Islands and Bougainville (Papua New Guinea), as well as sample some of the most amazing islands, beaches and culture that the region has to offer. Your tour with us starts in Honiara – the capital of Solomon Islands where […]

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Gizo Island & Vanuatu Tour

Join YPT on our Gizo Island and Vanuatu Extension, which starts just after the end of our infamous Least Visited Countries Tour. The tour begins with you and the group departing Honiara – that capital of the Solomon Islands to fly to Gizo Island – one of the most beautiful beaches, incredible island hopping, and […]

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The Arctic Adventure: Spitsbergen & North East Greenland

Join YPT on a thrilling and unforgettable journey in the far north, as we set sail on our Arctic Adventure cruise from Svalbard to Greenland in September 2024. This expedition promises to be an awe-inspiring exploration of the remote and pristine Arctic region, offering an exceptional blend of breathtaking landscapes and wildlife encounters. Whether you’re […]

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Yemen Mainland Hadhramaut Tour – February 2024

Always at the forefront, Young Pioneer Tours was one of the very first travel companies to open Socotra up for tourism and since then we have been very eager to expand tours to Yemen mainland. Join us as you explore the beautiful and historic Hadhramaut province – this part of Yemen much like Socotra has […]

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The Gulf Trek: Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait & Saudi Arabia

Join us on our epic Gulf trek across the Arabia visiting the alternative side of each Gulf country through Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.  While many travellers only see the Gulf through the lens of carefully-curated tourist attractions, this YPT tour allows you to adventure well off the beaten path to experience […]

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Afghanistan Spring Tour

Join YPT on our carefully curated, immersive experience of Afghanistan. This is a rare opportunity to learn a different side of this beautiful and complex country meeting people from all walks of life, whilst partaking in the must-see sights of a region regarded as the “crossroads of Asia” or, to its adversaries, the “graveyard of […]

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Turkmenistan Spring Tour

Make the most out of your Spring break and join us on our Turkmenistan Spring Tour! A country that falls well below most traveller’s radars but is one of the most unique countries not only within the Stans, but in the entire world! Your journey starts with us in the “White Marble City” of Ashgabat, […]

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Ultimate Yugoslavia Tour

Join Young Pioneer Tours on our Ultimate Yugoslavia Tour, taking you to every country of the former People’s Republic: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia. It will be a fully-packed tour that will allow you to discover the Balkans, a region rich with history, diversity, culture and beautiful scenery. In […]

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