Young Pioneer Tours


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June Ultra Budget Tour & Sinuiju Extension

Join YPT for what we believe to be the cheapest ever travel package to take tourists to North Korea! By making use of travelling from Dandong, which is the Chinese border city to the DPRK and is easily reachable from most of China, we are able to offer a great price that has you in […]

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Alternative Egypt March Tour

With our Socotra tours starting and finishing in Cairo, and our numerous tours of Egypt, we have been getting a lot of requests for an alternative tour of Egypt, and we couldn’t leave you disappointed. Sure, you could go and get swarmed by the hordes of tourists and sellers in Giza or in Luxor, we […]

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Socotra Island Yemen Spring Tour

Join our Socotra Island Yemen Spring Tour as we will be taking advantage of chartering a flight direct from Abu Dhabi (UAE) to Hadibu, Socotra. Suffering civil war, coups, revolutions and bombings in recent years, the Republic of Yemen is generally off the radar for tourists. Unless, that is, you know about the island of […]

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Kim Il Sung Birthday Tour

Kim Il Sung’s Birthday tour is without a doubt the largest celebration in North Korea to take place in 2021 with a mass dance event planned involving over 3000 university students, possible parades, fireworks and numerous other celebrations taking place throughout the day – this is one birthday party you don’t want to miss. During […]

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Azerbaijan Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Tour

At YPT, we love autonomous republics, breakaway states and bizarre exclaves, and our latest addition to our range of tours to such far flung places is the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic! Whilst Nakhchivan is an exclave of Azerbaijan, this bizarre republic is geographically separated from the rest of Azerbaijan by its mortal enemy, Armenia, with whom […]

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Communist Bulgaria Tour

Home of YPT’s regional European office, Bulgaria is a country we have a soft spot for. Home to warm, Balkan hospitality, excellent food and a whole host of communist-era treasures, it is a country often overlooked on the trail of those who hunt for the red relics of its communist past. On our Red Bulgaria […]

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East Timor & West Papua Tour

This May YPT is taking you to the seldom explored islands of Timor and Papua! In true YPT style you will be celebrating Independence Day in East Timor, and with Papua New Guinea now a mainstay of our annual itineraries we just couldn’t resist a further foray into remote SE Asia with our inaugural trip to West […]

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Discover West Papua Tour

With Papua New Guinea now a mainstay of our annual itineraries and our annual tour to East Timor starting and finishing on the Indonesian island of Bali, we just couldn’t resist a further foray into remote SE Asia with our inaugural trip to West Papua! To say you will be getting off the beaten path on this […]

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Turkmenistan Summer Tour

Don’t miss out on our triumphant return to Turkmenistan this summer! A country that falls well below most traveller’s radars but is one of the most unique countries not only within the Stans, but in the entire world! Your journey starts with us in the “White Marble City” of Ashgabat, you’ll be blinded by the […]

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Grand National Day Ultra Budget Tour With Mass Games

Join YPT for what we believe to be the cheapest ever travel package to take people into the DPRK to join in on the celebrations of Grand National Day, with mass dancing with the university students of Pyongyang and watching the fireworks with the locals. By making use of travelling from Dandong (which is easily reachable […]

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