Young Pioneer Tours


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Libya Tour: Gaddafi’s Legacy

Since the fall of Colonel Gaddafi in 2011, Libya has for many years been completely off limits to tourists. Now that the country is finally experiencing some relative stability, and with a new tourist e-visa scheme, we here at YPT are very excited to introduce our Libya Tour: Gaddafi’s Legacy. Your tour with us begins […]

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Kaliningrad Post Soviet Exclave Spring Tour

Infamously known as the ‘most militarized zone in Europe’ and home to the formidable Russian Baltic Sea Fleet, the exclave of Kaliningrad is shrouded in secrecy. Being a closed Soviet military region for decades and still laced with nuclear missiles, warships and tanks tends to have that effect. Your journey with us begins in the […]

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Kingdom of Bhutan Summer Tour

Join YPT as we bring you to the Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan, a place untouched by the frenzy of modern life, shrouded in mist-capped mountains, where happiness is a national priority. Bhutan is a place where time slows down, and every encounter is steeped in rich culture and breathtaking beauty. As tourism in Bhutan is […]

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Kuwait City Persian Gulf Tour – October 2025

Following on from our Saudi Arabia tour, we will be heading to Kuwait, a perfect stop off for country collectors! We spend a day exploring Kuwait City, from its Andalusian influenced Grand Mosque to the Al-Qurain Martyrs House which covers in detail the Iraqi invasion of 1990, which is still fresh in people’s memories. 31 […]

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Saudi Arabia Autumn Tour – October 2025

Join our tour group to the once notoriously hard to access Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which has only recently opened up to tourism and offers a new tourist visa programme for 51 nationalities. Our tour begins in the capital city, Riyadh, where you’ll explore the modern centre of Saudi Arabia as well as its ancient […]

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Kaliningrad Post Soviet Exclave Tour

Join us on our Kaliningrad Tour for a summer trip you’ll not forget! Infamously known as the ‘most militarized zone in Europe’ and home to the formidable Russian Baltic Sea Fleet, the exclave of Kaliningrad is shrouded in secrecy. Being a closed Soviet military region for decades and being still laced with nuclear missiles, warships […]

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Divided Cyprus TRNC National Day Tour

Whilst it is largely known for being a vacation resort for British and European holidaymakers, following the Turkish invasion of 1974, the Mediterranean island of Cyprus was ravaged by war before being cut in half with a UN-designated buffer zone in the middle. This zone incorporated towns, cities, airports making them abandoned ghost settlements to […]

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Transnistria National Day & Gagauzia Tour

This tour coincides with not only the Transnistrian National Day celebrations, but the only Soviet-style military parade left in Europe! Officially known as the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), and often referred to as the last state of the Soviet Union, Transnistria is one of the four unrecognised countries and frozen conflict zones that litter the […]

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Svalbard Soviet Frontier: Pyramiden & Barentsburg Arctic Ghost Towns – August 2025

Join YPT on a bespoke tour around Svalbard, visiting Russian settlements and abandoned coal mining outposts turned ghost towns in the northern reaches of the world! Our group tour starts in Longyearbyen, the world’s northernmost settlement with a population greater than 1,000, which despite its location – less than 1,000km from the North Pole – […]

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Eastern Greenland Arctic Cruise Tour – 2024

Join YPT for a incredible trip to Eastern Greenland and take in all the sea, ice, wildlife and hopefully the Northern Lights! This year we will visit Eastern Greenland aboard the very comfortable Ortelius. On this trip, we will first meet up in the capital city of Reykjavik before we head out to board our […]

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