Some of the most rewarded travel destinations out there can also require an immense amount of effort. Permits, long journeys, harsh weather, high costs are just some of the obstacles that lie in wait! However, for others, it’s merely about signing up and getting on a plane. Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or a travel novice, the Baikonur Cosmodrome should be on everyone’s list.

Baikonur Cosmodrome, located in a remote part of the Kazakh desert is the world’s largest and oldest space launching facility. Originally built by the Soviets, (now rented by Russia for a handsome fee) Baikonur is one of only two locations in the world that currently have the facilities for manned space flight launches. The best part about this place? Well, these launches which do happen a couple times a year are available for the public to see! You just have to get a permit to visit Baikonur from the government and you can be on your way.
YPT are running a Baikonur tour which includes whitnessing a rocket launch.
While the journey is long, it is neither overly strenuous or boring. There is tonnes to see in Kazakhstan and getting in a bus and heading to Baikonur is a great way to take it all in! This is one of the least travelled parts of all Central Asia and so it becomes very rewarding when meeting locals, who have most likely never met someone from countries outside their region.
So, when can you get your chance to see a rocket launch? Well, it just so happens that Young Pioneer Tours will be running a massive Kazakhstan tour reaching all regions of the country, which includes Baikonur.
This is timed to try and coincide with a planned rocket launch in May this year!
Click here for more information.