Young Pioneer Tours

Rent a Deloreon with YPT


For those of us old enough to remember, there is no car more iconic than a DMC DeLorean.

The story of the car itself is interesting enough in itself and may well warrant its own blog at some point, but essentially only 9000 of these classic cars were built before John DeLorean, and his company went bankrupt, with the former CEO allegedly liking cocaine more than making cars.

We will probably do a blog about it at some point, but for now, check out the Wikipedia article if you’d like to get the full story.

Why Is the Delorean So Iconic?

If you do not know the answer to this, you have missed the best movie trilogy of the 1980s and should probably be taken behind a barn and shot. The DeLorean was the time machine invited by Doc Brown in the iconic film trilogy Back to the Future.

From this movie, we got the iconic line “You a time machine? Out of a DeLorean”. These words alone are enough to make those of us of a certain vintage go weak at the knees!

How can I rent a DeLorean?

One of our most legendary customers is Louisiana-based Stephen Rice, who, aside from traveling the world with YPT, is also a DeLorean owner! When YPT did Route 66 many years ago, I was lucky enough to ride in said car, but alas, we did not go back in time when we hit 88 miles per hour. However, I’m now friends with Mayor Goldie Wilson on Facebook. Starstruck…..

As a DeLorean owner, Stephen regularly attends meet-ups, but you can hire his car for events and the like. Shoot, he will even give you a tour of New Orleans if you happen to be deep down south.

Click here to rent a Delorean today! If you mention YPT while booking you will also be eligible for 5% off your rental.

That’s precisely right, Marty

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