The online world was confused and bemused by American Onijah Robinson who went viral for her strange interviews and statements while overstaying her Pakistani visa. Having been to Pakistan and traveled through many of its cities, I can say for certain that Onaija is just one example of Pakistani hospitality that is so embedded in the culture of the people living in Pakistan.
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Who is Onijah Robinson and why did she make headlines?
Onijah Robinson is an American citizen from New York who, late last year, flew to the city of Karachi in Pakistan with the intention of getting married to 19 year old Nidal Ahmed Memon.
For many reasons, including catfishing, the proposed marriage fell through leaving Onaija in Pakistan with no more plans of getting married.
Onaija overstayed her visa in Pakistan and even held several press conferences with officials stating that she was now ‘Pakistani’ and the ‘Queen of Pakistan’ and other bizarre comments and actions about the country and her religion.
She became a viral sensation for her strange requests, including asking reporters to pay her thousands for her time and requesting various people to buy her McDonalds.
Instead of being met with cruelty and hostility for overstaying her visa and making bizarre comments, from all angles spectators observed, it looked like she was being welcomed with open arms and accepted.

Pakistani Hospitality
Pakistanis are extremely hospitable, which is something so important to the culture. When trying to decipher what exactly makes Pakistani hospitality so unique, there are many factors to consider.
Pakistan is a predominantly muslim country. While there are other religions and faiths active in Pakistan, it is estimated that 97% of the population are muslims. Pakistanis believe that guests are a blessing from Allah, and they should treat them with utmost regard.
Muslims are known for their generous hospitality. The faith teaches that being generous is a core responsibility for muslims.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should not hurt his neighbor and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should serve his guest generously and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, should speak what is good or keep silent.”
Sahih al-Bukhari 6136

Pakistani languages are infused with hospitable greetings. ‘Mehman Nawazi’ translates as “Guest is King” and sumarises how locals are expected to treat guests to their houses and country. Almost always you are greeted with ‘Salaam’ or ‘Salaam Alakym’ (meaning peace and peace upon you respectively). ‘Khush Amadeed’ is also a positive greeting, welcoming the receiver. If you travel to Pakistan, you are likely to hear all these phrases, multiple times a day!
Frequency of Tourism to Pakistan
It can be argued that Pakistan, like many off-the-beaten track places, are hospitable to foreigners as they are excited to see tourists come to Pakistan! Pakistan has unfortunately been painted in a negative light from its inception until modern-day. While Pakistan does have its problems and there are some areas you should not travel to (or be cautious when doing so), Pakistanis are always very helpful and are always ready to assist and show you around!

What About Indians Traveling to Pakistan?
India and Pakistan have had very strained relationships since the founding of Pakistan. Despite this, many of the people are frustrated at politics and not regular people (although this is not always the case).
I was traveling in Peshawar one day with my guide from Lahore, who self-admittedly looks more Indian than Pakistani. While traveling through the markets, people welcomed us both, often asking if she was from India! We were never met with any problems, only kindness.
However, that isn’t to say that Indians and people of Indian heritage won’t experience challenges traveling to Pakistan, however you may be surprised at the level of friendliness from locals!

Why Onijah Robinson is the prime example of Pakistani Hospitality
Onijah Robinson perhaps is one of the best modern marketing for travel to Pakistan. Officials were always seen to be patient and kind with her as well as assisted her and provided many of her demands and requests.
This has led to a lot of interest from the world and positive feelings towards Pakistan. Hopefully, with the safe return of Onijah, Pakistan can also benefit from increased tourism!
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