Young Pioneer Tours

Maps of Bhutan

Where is Bhutan on a map? We are glad you asked. Here’s the Bhutan Map Guide.

What is Bhutan?

The Kingdom of Bhutan is one of the most mysterious and misunderstood countries in the world. From restricting the amount of tourists to Bhutan, measuring Gross Domestic Happiness and previously being one of the last absolute monarchies on earth, you could say that Bhutan is off the beaten track.

Where is Bhutan on a map?

Bhutan is a landlocked Kingdom surrounded by the Republic of India and the Peoples Republic of China. It similarly is landlocked as the former monarchy of Nepal and Sikkim, which is now part of India. Bhutan is the last monarchy in south Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

How big is Bhutan?

It covers around 38,394 square kilometres, it is smaller than Nepal. It is not as is often reported as the second least populated country in the world. It is the second least densely populated country in the country.

The capital city of Bhutan is Thimpu.

The 659 KM of the border with India shares Assam’s state to the south, Arunachal Pradesh to the east, and to the west Sikkim.

Sikkim, along with Bhutan and Nepal, gained independence from both the British and India, before becoming an Indian state in the 1970s.

The northern border of Bhutan is shared with the Peoples Republic of China, specifically the autonomous region of Tibet. The China – Bhutan border is rugged and is naturally formed by the Himalayan mountains (much like Nepal).

Bangladesh and Myanmar are both only separated from Bhutan by Indian territory.

Cities in Bhutan Map

The two main cities of Bhutan are Thimphu and Paro.

Thimphu is the capital city of Bhutan, the main tourist area and where Thimphu International Airport is located. There direct flights from Nepal, many cities in India, Singapore and Thailand to Bhutan. It is easy to get a flight to Thimphu.

Paro was the former capital of Bhutan and is another place that is usually visited as part of a tour to Bhutan.

That is our regional guide and maps of Bhutan. To join one of our group tours to Bhutan, check out our next one in 2021.

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