What is the International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations (Unity & Struggle)? AT YPT we like to get very obscure with our socialist knowledge and it does not get much more obscure than this.
Enver Hoxha is generally considered one of the lesser than good communist leaders by most, but for some the Hoxhaism of Albania represents the ultimate in anti-imperialism and most importantly anti-revisionism.
What is a Hoxhaist?

We will avoid too much of a history lesson, but to sum up when the Sino-Soviet split happened – AKA the communist block splitting between revisionists – the majority and anti-revisionists, the minority, Albania was quite literally the only country to side with China – the anti-revisionists.
This cozy twosome would continue until China got into the United Nations and fell out with Albania. This led an even smaller fringe who had separated from Maoists to go one step further and become Hoxhaists. Hoxha himself had overly doubled down and was still claiming to be the vanguard until his death in 1985.
His writing on Eurocommunism is particularly “interesting”.
You can read some of that here.
Background to the International Conference of Marxist–Leninist Parties and Organizations (Unity & Struggle)
Originally founded in 1994, it claims to be the legacy of the original 19th and 20th century movements, but participation would say otherwise. To put it frankly there are no International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
You can read about the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
And no member parties, as far as we know have been signatories to The Pyongyang Declaration. Believe it, or not the DPRK and Communist Albania did not actually get on, despite some similarities. Yes you read that right – too leftist for the DPRK….
Who are the members?
We won’t list all of them, although with just 26 full members and 3 observers it would not be all that hard.
To read about communism in Nepal click here.
Many of the members are from Africa, but largely the world, aside from Asia is represented. The main and of course most important party though is the Communist Party of Albania, which until recently was chaired by the now late Mrs Hoxha. Interesting fact it is still an insult to be called her niece.