Inishmore Island, or Inis Mor island is the largest of he Aran Islands, where a movie was filmed, and home to the wonder that is TedsFest! It his therefore one of the islands that YPT now visit.
To read about TedFest click here
Where is Inishmore?

It is conveniently located next to a small town about an hour frock Galways. This makes Galway your point of call and either Shannon or Dublin as your entry point to Ireland.
Galway is connected by bus, or train and then you take the 40 minute ferry to Inishmore. There is also a flight option, which we will cover later.
What to do on Inishmore?

There are lots of reasons to come to Inishmore, in summer ;less so in winter. The main thing in winter is TedFest, which literally brings thousands of people to the island.
In summer there is swimming, diving boating and the like. In winter there are 4 bars and one spa on the island….
The Inishmore pub crawl is a thing.
Where to stay on Inishmore
The bets hotel is the Arun Island Hotel which also doubles up as the venue for Tedfest making it location location location. They have rooms in the hotel as well as in chalets outside with sea view.
Alternatively there is Glamping which came with mixed reviews. Regardless of where you stay this is just a really nice island and a great place to hang your hat for a few days. Food is not the best in the world, but the craic certainly is.
To reads about Coffee Caye click here
Chartering a plane on Inishmore
There ism an 8 minute flight between the mainland and the islands which you can book for 45 Euro, alternatively you can rent the whole plane and its 7 seats for 450 Euro – we went for the later.
This again delivers you there in 8 minutes and also provides a very quick airport as well as stunning views of the island and mainland. The ferry is great one way, but the flight is perfect the other way.
For your next port of call there are tails to Dublin which take 3 hours and again drop you in a travel friendly place.
Overall Inishmore might not be a classic YPT destination, but it has a lot to offer and if you are joining us for TedFest only makes it all that bit better.
You can check out our TedFest Tour here.