Young Pioneer Tours

Search: Juche

Are there Juche Supporters Around World?

Is Juche a Religion?

The many strands of Marxist thought had led to many a “splitter”, Tankies, Trots, even Hoxaists, but are there Juche supporters around the world? The short answer is that ye there is and that they are quite an eclectic bunch. What is Juche? We have dealt with Juche through a great article, so will just […]

For more information click this link: Are there Juche Supporters Around World?

What is Juche? – The Ideology of North Korea

The North Korean Juche tower as seen from bird eye's view

What is the Juche ideology? Those who’ve done a little reading on North Korea (DPRK) will know that explaining their ideology as ‘socialism’ or even ‘Marxism-Leninism’ (often written as ‘Stalinism’) is quite insufficient. If you were to ask a Korean, they would tell you that they follow what is Juche, political theory and philosophy unique […]

For more information click this link: What is Juche? – The Ideology of North Korea

Understanding the Juche Calendar

Juche Calendar

What is the Juche Calendar? Is there such a thing as a Korean calendar? What year is it in North Korea? Whilst the world mostly sets its clock to when Jesus was born, there are in fact a ton of other calendars used by people around the world. There’s the Russians that hold Christmas two […]

For more information click this link: Understanding the Juche Calendar

Juche Tower – Tower of Juche Ideology

Juche Supporters

The Juche Tower is an iconic monument of North Korea, and a must-see attraction when you visit Pyongyang – the Juche Tower represents the Juche ideology of North Korea, and is considered one of the most important monuments in Pyongyang by the North Koreans. FACTS ABOUT THE JUCHE TOWER The Juche Tower is situated in […]

For more information click this link: Juche Tower – Tower of Juche Ideology

North Korea will reopen in 2024 – tour prices will rise

21st April 2024 – Young Pioneer Tour managers recently visited China to meet with our North Korean travel partners to discuss when North Korea will reopen in 2024. The good news is that it seems that it will most likely reopen this year but no further specifics have been confirmed. Yet like all things DPRK, […]

For more information click this link: North Korea will reopen in 2024 – tour prices will rise

Understanding North Korea at Night: Illuminating Insights into a Closed-Off World

North Korea is predominantly dark at night, a stark contrast to East Asia’s bright, bustling cities. This darkness, visible from space, is the entry point into a country cloaked in mystery after sundown.  Our article sheds light on how North Koreans live, work, and find entertainment when the day ends, providing a rare glimpse into […]

For more information click this link: Understanding North Korea at Night: Illuminating Insights into a Closed-Off World

Unforgettable Trips with Friends: Top Destinations & Planning Tips

Traveling with your close-knit group of friends for the first time on foreign lands is one of life’s best gifts and chances to make unique memories, especially if you’ve thought this move through well. Everyone dreams of embarking on an escapist travel or adventure outside their natural borders, which is even more exciting when you […]

For more information click this link: Unforgettable Trips with Friends: Top Destinations & Planning Tips

Asmara Tank Graveyard

Introduction Asmara Tank Graveyard Located in the heart of Eritrea’s capital city, Asmara, lies an unexpected and haunting testament to the region’s struggling past – the Asmara Tank Graveyard. This site, often referred to as the “tank cemetery,” stands as a silent witness to the conflicts and changes that have shaped Eritrea as a nation. […]

For more information click this link: Asmara Tank Graveyard

What was the Pyongyang declaration of 1992?

Pyongyang declaration

Communism was said to have died after the fall of the Soviet Union, but not only are there socialist states, bit also quite literally hundreds and hundreds of communist parties both in and out of power. Many of these were party to the Pyongyang declaration of 1992, an oath to remain on the socialist path. […]

For more information click this link: What was the Pyongyang declaration of 1992?

Is there Religion in North Korea

North Korean Christian Worshipers in Pyongyang

When it comes to religion in North Korea and the DPRK and its relationship with religion there are a lot of misconceptions. North Korea is officially an atheist state, much like many communist countries before it, BUT unlike Albania for example it has never banned religion. In fact religious freedom is very much protected by […]

For more information click this link: Is there Religion in North Korea