Young Pioneer Tours

Visiting The Former US Embassy in Tehran in 2025

The US and Iran have ceased diplomatic relations for decades – with the source of tensions accumulating to the former US embassy in Tehran. In fact, if you would like to travel to Iran and you are a US citizen, the process is lengthy. After necessary background checks are made and you are approved for travel, you will need to send your passport to the Pakistani embassy in Washington DC as there is no Iranian Embassy or Consulate on US soil. The situation is similar in Iran – there is the former US embassy in Tehran, but other than that, there are no official diplomatic missions by the US in Iran. Essentially, whoever the two nations would like to communicate – it is through a third party country such as Pakistan or Switzerland.

former us embassy in tehran

What Is the source of the hostility between the US and Iran?

A lot of the hostility between the two countries can be sourced to the 1979 Tehran Hostage crisis, in which 44 US consulate staff were held captive inside the embassy for more than 400 days. They were held by university students supported by the Shah., At this period in time, Iran was convinced the US was not just performing diplomatic duties inside Tehran – but were also using their embassy to spy on not only Iranian countries, but other Middle Eastern countries.

Since then, the relationship has overall decreased. 

The Tehran Hostage Crisis (Summary)

The Tehran Hostage Crisis occured in 1979 on November 4th. 53 Americans were taken hostage by university students who were supporters of the Iranian Revolution. The Iranian government were convinced that the US was using their embassy to spy on them and neighboring countries. This fear and anger towards the US lead to the revolutionary government supporting anti-US protests which turned into the hostage situation. Almost miraculously no one was injured or killed during the 444 days of captivity. Many of the women and African American staff were released, as well as a man who fell ill.

While in the embassy, the university students found many documents that supported the claim the US embassy was operating at another capacity, beyond just diplomatic purposes.

What is the former US Embassy in Tehran now?

The former US Embassy in Tehran has been transformed into the ‘US Den Of Espionage Museum’. The Museum includes many artifacts, machines and other items that were found in the embassy after the US withdrawal, as well as information posters about what intelligence was found by Iran.

The museum is one of the most interesting museums in Iran – depicting a side to the US-Iran conflict that is almost never shown in western media. 

What is inside the former US embassy in Tehran?

There are many items from the time the embassy was operational.

The Plastic Room

There is one plastic box inside a room. All that is inside the box is a table and chairs. The museum states that the US were using this plastic box to have completely secret conversations which could not be wire tapped. The plastic is thick and if you went inside and looked the door, it is not a stretch to believe that no one else could hear what was being said.

The Paper Shredder

There is a paper shredder in which, when the sit in began, it is said employees shredded hundreds of documents  important secrets and documents they did not want the world to find out., Despite this, the long time the students were held up in the embassy allowed them to put together some of the documents and allegedly reveal many top secrets from the US.

Anti-US Posters

There are many anti-US posters in the museum and along the walls, accusing the US of many crimes and injustices. From Iranian sanctions, medical embargo, the targeting of Iranian nuclear scientists, there are many anti-US posters that decorate the walls.

Pro-Revolutionary Posters

The museum also has framed revolutionaries such as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro framed on the walls. They also have famous advocated in which they believe the US had involvement in their death in a series of posters titled – USA: The Series Killer of Heroes. The series contains Malcom X, Thathanka lyotake, Joao Goulart, Salvador Allende and Augusto Cesar Salvador.

Should You Visit The Former US Embassy in Tehran?

It is definitely worth a visit if you are in Tehran. Even for US citizens, there is no issue, Iranians generally love Americans despite the politics that divide the two countries. Not only at the museum, but most places in Iran expect to be welcomed with open arms regardless of your nationality.

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