Young Pioneer Tours

Monica Macias Interview – The YPT Podcast: S3, Ep3: The Black Girl from Pyongyang

Black Girl From Pyongyang by Monica Macias
“Black Girl From Pyongyang” by Monica Macias is available from Duckworth Books

In this exciting episode of The Young Pioneer Podcast, we discuss the life of Monica Macias, author of “Black Girl from Pyongyang.” As the daughter of Francisco Macías, the first president of Equatorial Guinea, Monica’s journey began when she was sent to North Korea for her education. There, she received personal guidance from President Kim Il-Sung, who had supported her father during Equatorial Guinea’s fight for independence from Spanish colonial rule. Following her father’s assassination in a coup in 1979, Monica Macias continued to reside in Pyongyang under the care of the “fatherly leader.” Join us as we uncover the experiences and insights she shares in her memoir.

S3, Ep 3: The Black Girl from Pyongyang – Interview with Monica Macias The Young Pioneer Podcast

Send us a textIn this episode of The Young Pioneer Podcast, we delve into the life of Monica Macias, author of "Black Girl from Pyongyang." As the daughter of Francisco Macías, the first president of Equatorial Guinea, Monica's journey began when she was sent to North Korea for her education. There, she received personal guidance from President Kim Il-Sung, who had supported her father during Equatorial Guinea's fight for independence from Spanish colonial rule. Following her father's assassination in a coup in 1979, Monica continued to reside in Pyongyang under the care of the "fatherly leader." Join us as we uncover her experiences and insights she shares in her memoir.Before we delve into our interview with Monica, it’s important to mention the current situation regarding travel to North Korea. As of now, the border remains closed, with no confirmed timeline for reopening. While this news is disappointing for those wishing to explore the enigmatic country, our conversation with Monica provides a fascinating perspective on life in North Korea from someone who has experienced it firsthand.For more information on how you can visit our "destinations your mother wishes you'd stayed away from" visit us at
  1. S3, Ep 3: The Black Girl from Pyongyang – Interview with Monica Macias
  2. S3, Ep 2: Mile High Club, Death Threats & US Ban – Interview with Aviation YouTuber Josh Cahill
  3. S3, Ep 1: Visiting Papua New Guinea's Mount Hagen Festival
  4. S2, Ep 6: June, 2024 North Korea Travel Update & Dr. Calvin Sun Interview
  5. S2, Ep 5: Horn of Africa Part Three – Eritrea

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What is the Current Travel Situation in North Korea?

Before we delve into our interview with Monica, it’s important to mention the current situation regarding travel to North Korea. Following this announcement, we have learned that discussions between the DPRK and China are ongoing regarding the best way to facilitate sustainable tourism to the DPRK via China, given the sensitive nature of Rason as a Special Economic Zone. As of now, the border remains closed, with no confirmed timeline for reopening.

While this news is disappointing for those wishing to explore the enigmatic country, our conversation with Monica provides a fascinating perspective on life in North Korea from someone who has experienced it firsthand. Visit our dedicated North Korea Travel Update Page for more information on travel to the Hermit Kingdom.

Monica (front and center) alongside her family and Kim Il-Sung and His Second Wife Kim Song-Ae, 1977
Monica (front and center) alongside her father, Francisco Macías, and Kim Il-Sung and His Second Wife Kim Song-Ae, 1977

What Unique Experiences Did Monica Macias Have in North Korea?

Monica Macias’ memoir explores the intricacies of identity, culture, and resilience in a context that some may perceive as controversial. Monica’s journey is not just a personal narrative; it serves as a powerful challenge to preconceived notions about both North Korea and her father’s legacy. By sharing her experiences, she offers a fresh perspective on two nations and their respective former leaders, whom she regards as her two fathers – President Francisco Macías and President Kim Il-Sung – which are often viewed through a narrow lens.

Monica and her Fellow Classmates at Mangyongdae Revolutionary Boarding School, 1981
Monica and her Fellow Classmates at Mangyongdae Revolutionary Boarding School, 1981
Monica During Weapons Training at Revolutionary Boarding School
Monica During Weapons Training at Revolutionary Boarding School

What New Travel Opportunities are YPT Offering?

As we transition from Monica’s remarkable story, we close the podcast by detailing two of YPT’s new, incredible cruise opportunities that are now available for booking.

What Can Travelers Expect from the Complete Antarctica Odyssey?

Set for December 2025 to January 2026, the Complete Antarctica Odyssey offers a breathtaking 19-day cruise through the stunning landscapes of the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and the Antarctic Peninsula. Aboard the eco-friendly M/V Hondius, travelers will encounter diverse wildlife, explore historical sites, and marvel at the untouched beauty of the frozen continent. This expedition promises unparalleled natural wonders and the thrill of true polar exploration of the frozen continent.

What Makes the Pitcairn Cruise a Unique Experience?

The Pitcairn cruise invites you to discover the remote charm of one of the Pacific’s isolated settlements from January 6th to January 13th, 2026. Immerse yourself in the unique culture and history of the descendants of the HMS Bounty mutineers, engaging with the local community through guided tours, communal meals, scenic hikes and stargazing. This thoughtfully curated itinerary ensures an unforgettable experience of connection and discovery.

Join us for this brand-new episode of the Young Pioneer Podcast where exploration, culture, and personal stories intersect!

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