Young Pioneer Tours

What does Single Supplement Mean on a YPT Tour?

When you book a tour with YPT you will notice there is a single supplement fee, but what does single supplement mean and do you have to pay it? Here’s our guide to what can be a confusing matter.

What does single supplement mean?

Traditionally a single supplement has been charged to people traveling alone by travel agents. This is because most holidays are priced as per two people sharing a room.

You thus pay the supplement for single occupancy of a room. This to many has seemed like a “single tax”

This is NOT how a single supplement works on a YPT tour and for us it is optional and it does not matter if you are traveling alone.

The old school usage of the word is more associated with package holidays to places like Ibiza, rather than a North Korea tour!

What does single supplement mean on a YPT tour in 2024

For us it means that you have the option NOT to share a room. In this instance you pay more as all of our prices to be based on a r=twin share basis.

Our prices for single supplement tend to be extremely reasonable and are linked very much to the prices of hotels of the countries that we visit, with YPT not trying to profiteer from a single supplement.

Again it is optional, but also quite a popular alternative to sharing a room with a stranger, or even snoring friends!

What if I am traveling alone?

The YPT policy is to put people traveling alone with another person of the same sex who is also traveling alone. We do not feel people should be punished merely for traveling alone and this not only solves that problem, but is extremely popular and can lead to lifetime friendships.

We always try to put people of the same sex together. Sometimes this cannot be the case, but generally speaking is quite rare, with our hosts often helping if there is a “spare” female. You do not though get a single supplement by default for being female.

And if you are really lucky, you might even get to be what we call a “natural single” this is where odd numbers make an extra single room and if you are lucky, you get the “free single supplement”. This is completely random and we do not take bribes…

To cut a long story short though, you do not have to pay a supplement merely fore traveling alone and having a room to yourself is something completely optional to you.

You can check out our group tours here.

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