Young Pioneer Tours

The Nauru Guide

The Nauru Guide

Pre-covid-19 the Republic of Nauru was the least visited country on earth, so obviously it was destined to become a YPT favourite. For the last 4 years Nauru has proved the cornerstone of our annual Least Visited Countries Tour. In fact in 2019 Young Pioneer Tours took about 1/4 of all visitors to Nauru, we therefore consider ourselves quite the experts when it comes to Nauru tourism.

The Least Visited Country

Being the least visited country in the world means that fewer people choose to visit Nauru than Yemen or Somalia. Let that sink in for a bit! But, despite that rather ominous statistic the reason for Nauru having so few visitors is largely due to quite simply how remote the country is. Slap bang in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and with only one airline serving the nation it is not all that surprising that tourist numbers rarely get over 100 per year.

When you also factor in that despite being a tropical island there is also a distinct lack of beaches then you are not going to end up with hordes of people. But, this is not to say that Nauru is not worth visiting and for the off the beaten path traveler Nauru has a huge amount to offer.

Why visit Nauru?

First and foremost you get the badge of visiting the least visited country in the world, something we know many of our Pioneers get a kick out of, but then there is also the fact that it literally does not get more off the beaten track than Nauru.

Nauru has also had quite an interesting history, the people are friendly and it makes a decent place to see in the New Year (as we have done for the last 3).

Oh and did we mention the Nauru pub Crawl. There are not many countries you can do a pub crawl in over the course of one day!

YPT visits Nauru at least once a year on our Least Visited Countries tour over Christmas and New Year and we can organize independent tours with accommodation and visa support any time.
