We really love a lot of things at YPT, two of which are the Pacific Islands and drinking (yeah we know our reputation).
Here we combine the two with our top 5 drinks in the Pacific Islands!
5) Aniseed vodka in Tonga

I honestly don’t know what the hell this stuff is supposed to be, but officially at least its aniseed flavored vodka. One of the cheapest drinks you can buy in the Kingdom of Tonga and we had at least one night on the beach with it.
4) Fijian Vodka

Fiji is the most important, or at least developed country in the region and they make a lot of booze. Fiji coconut vodka was probably my favorite and it is available at the many duty free shops you will pass when you go through Fiji (you do it a lot).
3) Cock beer

Oh this joke never gets old, but in Palau they have a real microbrewery scene and the main brewer has a rooster as its logo, so we named it cock beer. They have 6 different varieties, with my very personal favorite being the apple cider.
2) Coconut Moonshine

This is a really weird drink that I have personally only tried in Kiribati, but is available all over the Pacific Islands, made from the sap of the coconut tree. It’s sour, but holy wow does it have a kick to it.
1) Kava

It’s not alcohol but it is certainly a drink! And my word does it taste like ass! Well not exactly ass, but like muddy water. The taste is so bad that you need water and/or food to wash away the taste (known as washemout). The feeling is mildly euphoric and a bit like being high, oh but without the paranoia.
Of course there are many more drinks to the Pacific Islands, these are merely our 5 best. To sample these, and more, simply join one of our tours!