Prior to its closure due to Covid-19, the Pyongyang Autumn Marathon, or the Pyongyang Fall Marathon was the second most important marathon in the DPRK sporting calendar after the April Marathon.
Difference between Pyongyang April Marathon and Pyongyang Autumn Marathon
The April Pyongyang Marathon might be the more well-known of marathons in Pyongyang, it is not the only marathon in North Korea.
The Pyongyang Autumn Marathon takes place in Pyongyang on the final Sunday of September when the weather is dry and the climate is cool. Perfect for a run in North Korea’s capital!
But, in many ways what makes the autumn marathon so special is that it is not as promoted as the April marathon and significantly cheaper. The participants in the Autumn marathon are predominantly local North Koreans, with the balance being made up of numerous embassy staff based in Pyongyang, and Pyongyang ex-pats that avoid the massive overcrowding that occurs in April.
In many respects, it is not only a lot more authentic but offers a better chance at truly interacting with locals in an event designed for North Koreans.
Will there be a 2024 Pyongyang Autumn Marathon?
With dates for 2023 having already passed eyes are now on 2024, with us hopeful that both the April and September events will be held.
Again we cannot be sure as of yet as the opening of the country is still very much in the preperation stage.
Pyongyang Autumn Marathon 2024 Tours
These may be subjesct to change, but as of now we have the following tentative=ve dates and prices. .
For €445 per person, our Pyongyang Autumn Marathon Ultra Budget tour starts and finishes in the Chinese border town city of Dandong with the option of starting Beijing on Saturday 26th September 2020 and finishing on Monday 28th.
5KM Marathon (5km/3 miles) €40 per person
10KM Marathon (10km/6 miles) €50 per person
Half Marathon (20km/12 miles) €65 per person
Full Marathon (42km/26 miles) €80 per person
So begin your training and secure your spot early if you’d like to take part in the North Korean marathon this year!
Click the folloiwng link to learn more about our Pyongyang Marathon Tours..